Discover information on Hawaii elevator code, laws, regulations, and safety standards. Access links to local elevator agencies, inspectors, companies, and consultants.
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"The Boiler and Elevator Safety Law is intended to provide for the safe operation and use of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure systems, amusement rides, and elevators and kindred equipment in the state of Hawaii and is administered through the Boiler & Elevator Inspection Branch of HIOSH. The Branch develops standards and enforces through compliance inspections and investigations. Permits to operate are issued regarding any boiler, pressure vessel, pressure system, amusement ride, or elevator and kindred equipment if found to be safe in accordance with these standards. In addition, Branch staff reviews and approves plans for new installation, repairs, or modification of equipment covered by the law. If you own or manage a building and need to install, repair, alter or relocate boiler, pressure vessel, and pressure system or to install, construct, alter, or modernize any elevator or kindred equipment, forms for permits are available below."
Elevator Unit Headquarters
830 Punchbowl Street #425
Honolulu, HI 96813
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Fix Don't face your elevator contractor alone. Find out if an elevator consulting company is right for you.
Schedule a free elevator cab interior design session and we'll help you remodel your elevator.