Discover information on New Jersey elevator code, laws, regulations, and safety standards. Access links to local elevator agencies, inspectors, companies, and consultants.
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The Elevator Safety unit registers all elevator devices in the State of New Jersey. Elevator devices consist of elevators (hydraulic, traction, winding drum, roped hydraulic, rack & pinion and limited use limited access), escalators, moving walks, dumbwaiters, wheel chair lifts, chair lifts and man lifts. The elevator subcode is regulated under the Uniform Construction Code in Subchapter 12.
There are three choices a NJ municipality may make regarding the jurisdiction of the elevator subcode in its town. It may give jurisdiction to the State, it may hire its own local Subcode Official, or it may subcontract to a third party agency.
If the State has jurisdiction in a town, the Elevator Safety unit coordinates inspections between the owner, elevator company and the State. The unit conducts all cyclical and acceptance (inspections under permit) inspections. Owners are billed for inspections directly by the State.
Click here for municipal elevator jurisdiction.
Elevator Unit Headquarters
Department of Community Affairs
PO Box 800
Trenton, NJ 08625-0800
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